
Who We Are

In 1940, a handful of friends met in a home in Akron for the purpose of establishing a church that would be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit to reach their community and make a difference for eternity.  That core group was the "seed" of what would become Evangel Assembly of God.  They believed together, prayed faithfully, and God blessed their efforts.  A renovated auto garage served as their first church building.  Our current building consists of two major wings, constructed in 1967 and 1972.  It has been added onto and renovated several times since.  Far more important than the style, size and configuration of a church facility is what happens within that facility.  The most significant representation of what we are all about is not our building, but our lives - yours and mine.  Evangel is filled with people of every age, representing many cultures and backgrounds, all who come to grow in their relationship with God and others.  Every time we come together, we welcome the Holy Spirit to lead us on that journey.

What Matters to Us

Our ministry is framed by a simple motto: Love God, Love People, Make a Difference!  Our stewardship campaign that we've titled, "Believe," will launch us forward in our vision to accomplish that.  Many times I've been told by individuals and families that Evangel has been a place of healing, encouragement, and hope to them.  It was here that they received Christ, grew in faith and discovered a greater purpose for their lives.  I believe we can reach even more with our new and enhanced facility.  Day after day, week after week, ministry happens at a personal level...from the nursery through high school; from single moms to empty-nesters; from connect groups that provide the benefit of relationship and care, to our food pantry and benevolence ministry to help with immediate needs.  We live in challenging times, but we are convinced that God equips us to grow and be strong in every situation.  We are committed to bringing the life-changing reality of God's presence , and we are seeing the fruit that it brings.

Where We Are Going

God has blessed us with 25 acres of property that we now have state, county, and township approval to move forward.  Even better, we are debt free!  We are in a strategic position to move forward and make a difference now and for future generations!  We are now and always have been people of faith.  Faith in God always takes us beyond what is comfortable to what is possible.  As we move forward with this vision, it will change the trajectory of our church and impact the lives of thousands of people for eternity.  Our new worship facility will be a bold step that announces in a fresh way who we are and what matters to us at Evangel.  God has graces us with a piece of property that will make us more accessible, more visible, and better able to reach the thousands around us who are away from God.

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